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Research and development


Ideas and innovations

Thanks to a wide plant fleet with stable efficiency, Biobeta team is able to test, on a real scale, all the innovations that private companies and national and international research centers propose, in order to improve the Biomass transformation process.

Ideas and innovations often arise within the team during the daily meetings with plant operators and are developed later through specialized collaborations proposed to third parties, after having verified the positive economic repercussions for a long enough period on the group’s property plants.

With this line of thinking, the first European patent was deposited, for the measurement of sediment inside the digesters (Sediment Check), and the production of customised mixtures of chelate micro-elements at a huge bioavailability in totally biodegradable packages was launched (BioBeta Continuos).

Moreover, we are reporting under advanced development:

  • Optimization of loading systems and Biomass treatment
  • Equipment for constantly monitoring consumptions CHP and biology (ENERGY CONTROL)
  • Enzyme analysis, new micro-elements and new types of chelates in order to enhance Biogass yield
  • New analysis systems in the lab and on the plant (viscosity, fiber determination, bacterial species counting and determination)